War on Plastic - Sustainable Surrey
POSTED AT 03:23 PM on 22/07/2019
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"I won't be able to make a difference" - millions of people.
It's common for people to wonder what difference they could make on their own, but if you gathered every single person who had this thought, the impact would be beyond our comprehension.
More and more we are becoming aware of the environmental impact which plastics have on our planet. Plastic is used in almost every aspect of our everyday lives - whether this is a voluntary choice or not! It's in the air we breath, on the clothes we wear. Even though we can't always see it, it's unfortunately there. Some specialists have stated now is the time to make a change before it's too late for our beautiful planet, so we want to see how our local business plan on making a change for the better.
We want to see a sustainable Surrey, so every fortnight we will have a new focus to challenge and praise businesses on different areas of plastic pollution. Almost every single piece of plastic ever created is still in existence in some form. And with plastic production showing no signs of decline, we want to see how the local companies and councils are tackling these issues.
If you want to contribute your own thoughts and opinions, please feel free to comment in the forum!
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